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Prof. Dr-Ing. Thorsten Herfet

Chair of the Telecommunications Lab since August 2004
Phone:+49 681 302-70852
Fax:+49 681 302-70857
Location:Campus C6 3, Room 10.02

Adjunct Affiliations

Research Areas

  • Energy-, Latency- & Resilience-aware 5G+ Networking
  • Deep Learning in Telecommunication
  • Computational Videography
  • High-Mobility in OFDM-Systems



  • Busy Beaver WS12/13 (Student Award for the best lecture in CS)
  • BITKOM e.V. Innovators’ Pitch 2009 Academic
  • Intel EMEA Recognition Award 2009
  • Intel Labs Recognition Award 2009
  • Busy Beaver WS08/09 (Student Award for the best lecture in CS)
  • Intel Corporate Technology Group Division Recognition Award 2005
  • Rudolf-Urtel Award 1993


Patents and Patent Applications



8/04TodayFull University ProfessorSaarland University
8/047/18CE Standards RepresentativeIntel Deutschland GmbH, Munich
11/037/04Manager CE StandardsIntel GmbH, Munich
10/9910/03Director “Advanced Research & Development”GRUNDIG AG, Nuremberg
7/979/99Department Manager “Research & Innovation”GRUNDIG FV GmbH, Nuremberg
6/966/97Department Manager “Digital TV-Systems”GRUNDIG E.M.V. Fuerth
1/925/96Associated ProfessorUniversity of Dortmund
10/8812/91Graduate AssistantUniversity of Dortmund
6/878/87Student Trainee on VLSI QualificationSIEMENS AG, Munich
4/879/87Student Assistant (Chair of Electronics)University of Dortmund
2/864/86Student Trainee on VLSI QualificationSIEMENS AG, München
11/8512/87Student Assistant (Chair of Telecommunications)University of Dortmund
2/843/84Industrial PlacementRAG, Gelsenkirchen

Supervised Phd Theses

Reviewed Phd Theses