2024 - 2026
Saarland/Intel Joint Program
Future of Graphics and Media
Saarland/Intel Joint Program
Future of Graphics and Media
2022 - 2025
DFG Project in the Priority Programme “Resilient Worlds”.
Resilient Power-Constrained Embedded Communication Terminals.
DFG Project in the Priority Programme “Resilient Worlds”.
Resilient Power-Constrained Embedded Communication Terminals.
5G Campus Network
April 2021
Research Equipment.
The Saarland University’s 5G campus network for research and development.
Research Equipment.
The Saarland University’s 5G campus network for research and development.
2020 - 2023
DFG Project.
Illuminating the path through the challenges of next-gen visual media.
DFG Project.
Illuminating the path through the challenges of next-gen visual media.
Energy-, Latency- And Resilience-aware Networking (e.LARN)
October 2016 - December 2022
DFG Project in the Priority Programme “Cyber-Physical Networking”.
Transport channels for distributed cyber-physical systems.
DFG Project in the Priority Programme “Cyber-Physical Networking”.
Transport channels for distributed cyber-physical systems.
5G Testbed
August 2019
DFG co-funded Research Equipment.
5G testbed for signal generation and analysis.
DFG co-funded Research Equipment.
5G testbed for signal generation and analysis.
Smart Asset re-Use in Creative Environments (SAUCE)
January 2018 - December 2020
European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme H2020 RIA, Grant No 780470.
Produce, pilot and demonstrate a set of professional tools and techniques that reduce the costs for the production of enhanced digital content.
European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme H2020 RIA, Grant No 780470.
Produce, pilot and demonstrate a set of professional tools and techniques that reduce the costs for the production of enhanced digital content.
Open Networking
2012 - 2016
Internal Project of the Telecommunications Lab.
Testbed for evaluateing new networking technologies.
Internal Project of the Telecommunications Lab.
Testbed for evaluateing new networking technologies.
Novel Scene Representations For Richer Networked Media (SCENE)
October 2011 - October 2014
European Commission Project FP7.
Scene Representation Architecture (SRA) and the Scene Renderer.
European Commission Project FP7.
Scene Representation Architecture (SRA) and the Scene Renderer.
Predictably Reliable Real-time Transport (PRRT)
2011 - 2016
Internal Project of the Telecommunications Lab.
PRRT is a transport protocol that aims to provide predictable reliability and latency.
Internal Project of the Telecommunications Lab.
PRRT is a transport protocol that aims to provide predictable reliability and latency.
Former Projects
Previous Projects of the Telecommunications Lab.