The 5G test environment of the Telecommunications Lab at Saarland University consists of devices for generating and analyzing signals in the C-, Ka- and E-band (0-40 GHz, 60-90 GHz) and thus in all frequency ranges relevant for cellular (5G) and local networks (WiFi) as well as other applications such as radar.
Generation and analysis are realized using software-supported devices (programmable signal and waveform generators, digital oscilloscopes with analysis software) so that the test environment can adapt to the evolution of transmission standards as long as the frequency range and bandwidth remain within the component’s capabilities.

The 5G testbed supports scientific publications with measurements and provides services during commissioning and operation of further research infrastructure. The 5G test environment supported the projects FiDALiS, eLARN and ResPECT and the construction and operation of a microwave measurement chamber by the Chair of Theoretical Electrical Engineering and of a 5G campus network.
This research equipment is co-funded by DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) (DFG project number 409792231).

2025 #
2024 #
2023 #
2022 #
2021 #
Operation and Demonstration of a 5G Testbed
Fabian JungBachelor's Thesis2020 #
X-Leep: Leveraging cross-layer pacing for energy-efficient edge systems
Stefan Reif, Benedict Herzog, Pablo Gil Pereira, Andreas Schmidt, Tobias Büttner, Timo Hönig, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat, Thorsten Herfet