Interactive RTP services with predictable reliability
Related to the Predictably Reliable Real-time Transport (PRRT) project
Published in 2013 IEEE Third International Conference on Consumer Electronics¿ Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), 2013
Despite the fact that non-interactive Internet multimedia applications are prevalently deployed via HTTP/TCP, dedicated real-time protocols remain the essential basis for interactive voice and video services. This is particularly pronounced by the standardization of WebRTC, which enables peer-to-peer realtime communication between web browsers via the RTP protocol suite. However, a compound solution that contributes error and congestion control for RTP-based communications services is missing by now. In our previous work we presented a novel transport protocol - Predictably Reliable Real-time Transport (PRRT) - a protocol layer that efficiently supports the reliability required by interactive multimedia services under their specific time constraint. In the following paper we integrate PRRT's workflow and header format into a bi-directional RTP session by enhancement of the profile for generic forward error correction. We particularly focus on a low messaging overhead and the preservation of backward compatibility in the protocol's error control.