Predictably Reliable Real-time Transport Services for Wireless Cyber-Physical Systems
Publication by
Andreas Schmidt,
Pablo Gil Pereira,
Thorsten Herfet
Related to the Energy-, Latency- And Resilience-aware Networking (e.LARN) and 5G Testbed project
Published in 21st IFAC World Congress, 2020
Related to the Energy-, Latency- And Resilience-aware Networking (e.LARN) and 5G Testbed project
Published in 21st IFAC World Congress, 2020
Cyber-physical systems increasingly leverage wireless networks for distributed control applications. In these systems, control and communication must find explicit agreements on the resilience and age-of-information (AoI) provided by the transport services to ensure stability. We present PRRT and its unique features to provide a predictably reliable real-time service that can fulfil these agreements. These features include cross-layer pacing, ie allowing an application to adapt to the system’s bottleneck to achieve predictably low AoI. Finally, we highlight future directions for the transport service provided by PRRT with respect to its usage in constrained devices, where, eg, energy demands play an important role.