Running Theses #
PRRT Reimplementation Concept
Moritz Miodek
Master's Seminar
Development of a Wireless FIDS Network
Thomas Busse
Master's Seminar
Network Performance Visualisation
Felix Weber
Bachelor's Seminar
Finished Theses #
2024 #
Signal Strength Measurement in a 5G Campus Network
Debasish Mohan Das
Master's Thesis
2023 #
5G Core Configuration – Characterising a Test Setup
Nicolas Schmitt
Bachelor's Thesis
Delay- and Reliability-Aware Secure Transport
Moritz Miodek
Bachelor's Thesis
2022 #
Spatio-Temporal Sampling of 5D Light Fields
Robin Kremer
Master's Thesis
2021 #
Low-Level Design of Energie-Efficient HARQ at the Transport Layer
Mikolai-Alexander Gütschow
Bachelor's Thesis
Transparent Transmission Segmentation under Delay and Reliability Constraints
Sven Liefgen
Master's Thesis
Operation and Demonstration of a 5G Testbed
Fabian Jung
Bachelor's Thesis
Multicast Binary Forward Error Coding at the Transport Layer
Kai Vogelgesang
Research Immersion Lab
2020 #
Deep Adaptive Hybrid Error Coding
Ashkan Taslimi Baboli
Master's Thesis
5D Light Field Sampling
Ran Li
Master's Thesis
Visualization Tool for Control in Networked Cyber-Physical Systems
Sebastian Morgenstern
Bachelor's Thesis
Extending Deep Convolutional Demosaicing to Camera Arrays
Alexander Blatt
Master's Thesis
Adding temporal consistency to an existing view interpolation algorithm
Johannes Reuter
Master's Thesis
2019 #
Estimating Heterogenous Channel Conditions in Vehicular Networks using Deep Learning and Basis Expansion Models
Jens Kreber
Bachelor's Thesis
A hierarchical H.264/MVC encoder with full inter-view support
Kim Hao Josef Nguyen
Master's Thesis
2018 #
Characterization of Neural Networks for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming
Amina Durakovic
Master's Thesis
Adapting Light Fields for Current Production Workflows
Serina Giha
Master's Thesis
Hybrid Channel Estimation and Equalization Scheme for LTE
Ramzi Theodory
Master's Thesis
2017 #
Network Protocol for Video Transport in Cyber-Physical Systems
Lukas Bard
Master's Thesis
Cognitive Framework for Channel Equalization in Vehicular Communication Systems
Praharsha Sirsi
Master's Thesis
Channel estimation and equalization for DVB-T
Zhu Junzhe
Master's Thesis
Transparent Transmission Segmentation for Multimedia Applications
Daniel Birtel
Master's Thesis
NEAT - Network Experiment Automation Tool
Philipp Tennigkeit
Student Research Project
2016 #
Throughput Estimation in Software-Defined Networks
Philipp Tennigkeit
Bachelor's Thesis
Panoramic Video Transmission for Autonomous Water Surface Research Vessels
Vinayak Hegde
Master's Thesis
A fast H.264/MVC Transcoder
Kim Hao Josef Nguyen
Bachelor's Thesis
Virtualization of Video Streaming Functions
Birhan Tadele Teklehaimanot
Master's Thesis
Optimized dynamic multi-view video streaming using view interpolation
Pascal Straub
Master's Thesis
2015 #
Dictionary Design for Compressive Estimation in Time-variant Channels
Muhammad Arhum Gulzar
Master's Thesis
Datenbank mit Bildfehlern bei synthetischen Bildinhalten
Johannes Reuter
Bachelor's Thesis
Infrared-Aided Superpixel Segmentation
Harini Hariharan
Master's Thesis
Low-Latency Adaptive Media Streaming over PRRT
Manpreet Kaur
Master's Thesis
2014 #
Mobile Base Station PositionEstimation Using Real Measurements Collected by Smart Phones
Mina Abosetta
Master's Thesis
Integration of Direct- and Feature-Based Methods for Correspondences Refinement in Structure-from-Motion
Mónica Vidriales Escobar
Master's Thesis
Optimized Bandwidth Estimation For Dynamic Video Streaming
Solomon Teklehaimanot Mawcha
Master's Thesis
Network Link Based Traffic Optimization for Multimedia Applications
Reinhard Weyand
Master's Thesis
GPU Support for Software Defined Networking Controllers
Tobias Theobald
Bachelor's Thesis
Flow Optimization for concurrent Multimedia Traffic in Software Defined Networks
Nicolas Seiwert
Master's Thesis
2013 #
Hybrid Model Based Coding Enhancement for MPEG
Sukhpreet K. Khangura
Master's Thesis
Optimized Implementation of an MVC decoder
Jochen Britz
Master's Thesis
Audio-visual fusion based blind source separation
Zheng Xu
Master's Thesis
Multipath Adaptive Video Streaming over Multipath TCP
Yashavanth Puttaswamy Gowda Chowrikoppalu
Master's Thesis
Design & Implementation of an Adaptive Cross Platform Network Protocol Framework for Interactive Content
Manjunatha Bagrey Jayaprakash
Master's Thesis
Optimum Multicast Transmission with HEC-PR in Constraint Environments
Eyobel Gebru Berhe
Master's Thesis
2012 #
Traffic Engineering and Energy-Efficient Routing in IP-based Mobile Networks
Dinesh Kumar Lakshmanan
Master's Thesis
A PRRT Architecture for the OpenFlow Protocol Suite
Bernd Wittefeld
Master's Thesis
Discriminating 4G and Broadcast Signals via Cyclostationary Feature Detection
Hossein Khoshnevis
Master's Thesis
Synchronized Multi-Stream Transport of Stereoscopic HDTV
Hanjo Viets
Master's Thesis
Real World Performance of RateAdaptive OFDM Feedback Jammingbased Wireless Multicast
Martin Beyer
Master's Thesis
Active-Stereo Synchronization ofmultiple Displays via Ethernet
Julian Metzger
Master's Thesis
2011 #
Congestion Control and Fairness forReal-time Media Transmission
Juhi Kulshrestha
Master's Thesis
Feedback Suppression for aMedia-oriented Network Protocol
Bo Fu
Master's Thesis
2010 #
Digital TV Distribution in theDLNA/DVB-HN Home Network
Martin Emrich
Master's Thesis
Combined Link Adaption and AdmissionControl for More Reliable WirelessGroupcast according to IEEE 802.11aa
Bruno Ranieri
Master's Thesis
Anomaly Detection on Network Service with Wavelet Technique
Kurnia Hendrawan
Master's Thesis
Simulation und Prädiktion drahtloser in-Haus Übertragungskanäle anhandiskreter Markov-Modelle
Andreas Hirtz
Diploma Thesis
The influence of the capture effecton the collision probability inwireless home networks
Li Mingao
Master's Thesis
2009 #
Variance of DVB-T2 PerformanceGains over different channels
Julian Metzger
Bachelor's Thesis
Implementation of a DLNAcompliant MediaServer withDVB and RTSP/RTP support
Martin Emrich
Bachelor's Thesis
A Trust System for the openSUSE Build Service
Marko Jung
Bachelor's Thesis
Voice-Modeling based ona given F0-track
Stefan Densow
Bachelor's Thesis
2008 #
Anwendung einer optimiertenHybrid-Fehlerkorrektur inMulti-Hop-Netzwerken
Michael Karl
Student Research Project
Optimization of an Application Layer Hybrid Error Correction Scheme under strict Delay Constraint
Robert Gogolok
Master's Thesis
Implementierung eines DVB Digital Media Renderers
Jochen Grün
Student Research Project
Untersuchung drahtloser Kanalmodelle für in-Haus Netzwerke nach 802.11a
Christian Dillschneider
Diploma Thesis
Automatic Classification of Audio Source Mixtures
Ivan Mironenko
Master's Thesis
Policy-controlled bandwidth sharing in WLANs
Klaus Andler
Diploma Thesis
Binaural Tracking of Moving Sound Sources
Janosch Offenberg
Bachelor's Thesis
2007 #
A DVB-S UPnP AV MediaServer
Michael Becker
Diploma Thesis
Binäre Codierung XML-basierter DVB-Service-Information
Robert Müller
Bachelor's Thesis
Binaurale Separation akustischer Quellen
Andreas Neufang
Diploma Thesis
Binaurale Lokalisierung akustischer Quellen
Eric Haschke
Diploma Thesis
Decoder-Supported Automated ImageQuality Analysis for HDTV Broadcast
Sarmad Hussain
Master's Thesis
2006 #
Generation of Point Sound Sourcesand Surround Sound Effects
Tobias Jung
Student Research Project
Konzeption und Implementierungeines DVB-S Remultiplexers
Jan Reif
Bachelor's Thesis
2005 #
Adaptive quality of Service Management Mechanisms for Multimedia Traffic in Wireless Home Networks
Mansoor Jafrey
Master's Thesis
Pulsation of WLAN Signals according to IEEE 802.11 TGe
Wang Li
Diploma Thesis
A QoS-aware media stream transcoding/transrating solution for Wireless Home Networks
Osama Khan
Master's Thesis